Page 5 - Parasites in pet reptiles
P. 5

Rataj et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2011, 53:33                                  Page 3 of 20

            Table 1 The number of examined species of snakes and their origin
            SCIENTIFIC NAME           COMMON NAME                     NUMBER OF EXAMINED    ORIGIN
            Elaphe guttata            Corn Snake                             10             EU countries*
            Platyceps karelini        Spotted Desert Racer                    6             Pakistan*
            Vipera ammodytes          Nose-horned Viper                       4             Slovenia**
            Lampropeltis triangulum   Milk Snake                              4             EU countries*
            Platyceps ventromaculatus  Hardwicke’s Rat Snake                  4             Pakistan*
            Boa constrictor           Boa Constrictor                         3             EU countries*
            Eryx johnii               Brown Sand Boa                          3             Pakistan*
            Spalerosophis atriceps    Diadem Snake                            3             Pakistan*
                                      (Black-headed Royal Snake)
            Hierophis gemonensis      Balkan Racer                            2             Slovenia**
            Coronella austriaca       Smooth snake                            2             Slovenia**
            Natrix natrix             Grass Snake                             2             Slovenia**
            Morelia viridis           Green Python                            2             EU countries*
            Python regius             Ball Python                             2             EU countries*
            Zamenis longissimus       Aesculapean Snake                       1             Slovenia**
            Corallus caninus          Tree Boa                                1             EU countries*
            Elaphe obsoleta           Black Rat Snake                         1             EU countries*
            Boiga trigonata           Indian Gamma Snake                      1             Pakistan*
            Gongylophis conicus       Rough-tailed Sand Boa                   1             Pakistan*
            Spalerosophis diadema     Diadem Snake                            1             Pakistan*
            Two aquatic species       /                                       2             Pakistan*
            (undetermined species)
            21 different species                                             55
            * Snakes were imported from reptile farms.
            ** Originated from Slovenia - native species.

            In 38 cases three different species were identified and in  Tapeworms (Anoplocephalidae, Oochoristica sp.) were
            two lizards four different species were found. In the Sudan  seen in intestine of six Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)
            Spiny-tailed Lizard eggs of pinworms (Pharyngodon sp.),  and four Spiny-tailed Lizards (Uromastyx sp.) at
            tapeworms (Anoplocephalidae), Balantidium sp., and  necropsy. A mass of tapeworms in intestine of Green
            Cryptosporidium sp. were determined. In Tokay Gecko  Iguana has been found. Up to 25 tapeworms were found
            eggs of Pharingodon sp., Physaloptera sp., Eimeria sp.  inside intestines of all four Spiny-tailed Lizards. At
            oocysts and Trombiculid mites (Geckobia sp.) were found.  necropsy only anaemia was seen.
            The presence of Cryptosporidium sp. was established in  Up to twenty larvae (cystacanths) of unidentified spe-
            three lizards (two Spiny-tailed Lizards and Leopard  cies belonging to Centrorhynchid Acanthocephala were
            Gecko) and Trichomonadidae (Tetratrichomonas sp.) in  seen on external side of intestine and mesenterium in
            two lizards (Bright-eyed Day Gecko and Chinese Water  six Monitors and two Spiny-tailed Lizards at necropsy.
            Dragon). Details about the scientific names of endopara-
            sites, their number and percentage and scientific names of  Turtles’ parasites
            lizards are described in Table 5.                 Nine different species of endoparasites in 498 (88.5%) of
              At necropsy from ten to twenty Filarioid nematoda  563 examined turtles were determined. One species of
            (Onchocercidae, Dirofilariinae, Oswaldofilaria sp.) were  endoparasites was found in 140 turtles, two different
            seen in abdominal cavity under serous membrane and  species in 182 turtles, while 128 of them had three dif-
            pleura in ten Monitors. In one of the Monitors a mass  ferent species of endoparasites, 36 of them had four,
            of round worms (Filarioid nematoda, Spiruroidea, Physa-  and finally in three turtles five different endoparasites
            lopteridae) was seen in oesophagus and stomach. In  were found. In two Spur-thighed Tortoises, Oxyurid
            seven Spiny-tailed Lizards (Uromastyx sp.) Filarioid  nematoda (Pharyngodonidae, Tachygonetria sp.), Ascari-
            nematoda (Onchocercidae, Dirofilariinae, Setaria digi-  dae (Angusticaecum sp.) and Strongylid eggs were deter-
            tata) were detected in subcutaneous granulomas at  mined. In one of them Strongyloides sp. and eggs of
            microscopic examination.                          Trematoda and Balantidium sp. were found and eggs of
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