Dental Exercise in One Go.
So, I tried everything I preach at the office. Ajax (my main man) 3/5 black Lab and 1/4 Pit – gets a “treat” every time he comes in from his morning and evening “constitutional”
He’s always loved his Knucklebone.
You need to know that dental exercise has components of tooth scraping, gums toughening, germ killing, slime-stopping, and more. And sadly, NO SINGLE DENTAL EXERCISE MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS., And some suck worse than others.
But I tried all that other jazz out there – for a month I did Oravet Chews. And another month I did DuoClenz / CET chews. I used Greenies in Trudy for MANY years and I have had my dogs on Oxyfresh for a very long time as well. Some really dainty small dogs do well on Himalayan Yak’s Milk treats.
The following is the chart that includes six different modalities for dental health with their strengths highlighted with a smiley-face 🙂